BITSAT 2019 Important Dates

Candidates will have to complete the important dates of BITSAT 2019 to keep the ability to track all exam related opportunities. Each of the dates identified with the BITSAT 2019 exam is given in the table below.

BITSAT Important Dates 2019

S.No.Occasions Dates

1 Accessibility of BITSAT 2019 Application Frame The third seven-day stretch of December 2018

2 Deadline for submission of BITSAT application frame Expansion of the third seven days of March 2019

3 Use size modification Expansion of the third seven days of March 2019

4 Part of the test is centered Expansion of the third seven days of March 2019

5 Exam dates and slots booking Expansion of the fourth seven days of March 2019

6 Hall ticket arrival

The expansion of the second seven days of May 129 spreads to the third seven days of May 2019

7 BITSAT 201 9 exam Expansion from 3rd to fourth seven days (from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm)

8 Bitsat Score Declaration The extension of the third seven days of May 2019

9 Apply for confirmation with class XII impressions The first seven days of June 2019 spread to the third seven days of June 2019

10 List for consultation Expansion of the fourth seven days of May 2019

11 Due date for completing online application frame with charging

Expansion of the third seven days of June 2019

12Accept list and wait list announcement after Iteration 1

The third seven-day stretch of June 2019 (5 o'clock)

13 Confirmation after Iteration II

Expansion of the fourth seven days of June 2019 (5 o'clock)

14 Confirmation after Iteration III

Second seven days of July 2019 (5 o'clock) stretch

151 Confirmation after Iteration IV

The third seven-day stretch of July 2019 (5 o'clock)

16 Confirmation After Eternation V

Expansion of the fourth seven days of July 2019

BITSAT 201 9 Examination Pattern

Candidates prepared for the examination should be aware of BITSAT exam design in which the question of inquiry will be sought which includes examination bids, examination method, number of inquiries in the examination and candidates will have nominated time.

Bitsat exam pattern 201 9

Subject Number of inquiries

Part I

Physics 40

Part II Science 40

Part III

(A) English proficiency (B) logic logic 15 10

Part IV Science 45

Bitsets 2019 will be directed in online mode. Paper will have 4 segments - Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV

Each of the physics and chemistry sections will have 40 addresses, while there will be 45 inquiries in mathematics and 10 and 15 addresses in English proficiency and logical reasoning will be different.

To finish BITSAT 2019, the split time will be 3 hours (without brakes)

Each of the inquiries will be in the nature or at the end of the day - the object of the MCQ will be.

Each correct answer will be given 3 points and each wrong answer (- 1) will be deducted, while the unrestricted inquiry will not be given zero or any imprint.

On this occasion that any competitor wipes all 150 inquiries, at that time he can make decisions on 12 additional inquiries, physics, chemistry and mathematics (PCM) each 4, even if they include time within the dispenser for three hours .

BITSAT 2019 Course

Candidates present at the BITSAT 2019 Courses Examination will be declared by the main body.

At present, the candidates can examine the examination course of the first year and can begin to prepare for it.

Bitsat course


Units and Measurements

Newton's laws of motion

Drive and momentum

Work and energy

rotational motion

Attractive energy

Solid and fluid mechanics



Warmth and thermodynamics


operating current

Attractive effect of the present

electromagnetic induction


Present day physics

Electronic Components


Convertible based math


Two-dimensional coordinate geometry

Three-dimensional coordination geometry

Differential mathematics

Necessary math

Conventional differential equations




Direct programming

Scientific modeling


Substance terms

Atomic structure

Compound bonding and molecular structure


Physical and Chemical Equilibria


Compound kinetics

Hydrogen and S-Class components

P-D-and F-Class components

Standards of organic chemicals and hydrocarbons


Surface chemistry

Natural compounds with functional groups containing oxygen and nitrogen

Hypothetical theories of experimental chemistry

Natural, Industrial and Environmental Chemistry

Bitsets courses for English proficiency and logical reasoning

The English capabilities and intelligent thinking clusters are designated as a component of BITSAT's curriculum for valid thinking and English competence.

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